Friday, July 31, 2009

Holter Monitor

Mallory was put on a medication for her behavior last winter. Because of her heart defect, we were pretty limited on what meds we could use. Most meds for ADHD stimulate the heart. Sadly to say the med we have been using is not very effective. In order to put her on a more aggressive medication, her cardiologist recommended a Holter Moniter. The monitor studys her heart for a 24 hour period looking for abnormal rhythms and rates. If her study comes back uneventful then we can try some new meds.

Today, I took Mallory to the hospital to get her monitor. She was excited. Mainly because of all the attention she was getting.

Mallory laid very still when they applied all of the patches for the monitor. The big question is how long will they stay on?

All done and ready for the day. I wonder how many times we will replace patches or reattach wires over the next 24 hours.

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